Reading in Lockdown 2.0: The fourth month

26 March – 25 April

I seem to have read more than usual this month, though I’ve no idea why. However, I’ve not yet finished Jill Lepore’s excellent survey of America’s past (it’s long, unsurprisingly).


Shalom Auslander, Hope: A tragedy

Yousra Imran, Hijab and Red Lipstick

Krischan Koch, Mordseekrabben

Deborah Massan, Out for Blood

Peter Robinson, Not Dark Yet

Theodore Storm, The Rider on the White Horse

Dagmar Maria Toschka, Alte Anker rosten nicht


Roy Foster, On Seamus Heaney

Jill Lepore, These Truths: A history of the United States

Worlds apart: Education and Britain’s inequality problem

All in this together? The COVID-19 pandemic is still with us, and seems likely to be a part of our lives, in some form, for some time to come. It has…

Worlds apart: Education and Britain’s inequality problem